"..life's a song my friend that's been written for us, 
you've got to live the verses and fall back on the chorus."




photo by Deborah Logan









Van Wagner Live Shows


Van Wagner House Concerts, click here for more info


Check out the North of 80 community on facebook.  I often send information on live concerts, new albums, and more to them 1st.  

Live Concerts and Programs


Jan 11 Danville PA

The Booth Theater.  Mill street Danville https://www.zanzart.org/the-booth-theater  Music starts 7pm.  Donation at the door to benefit The Gate House.  

Feb 6 Gettysburg PA

Ploughman Cider tap room.  https://www.ploughmancider.com/thetaproom  Van 7-9pm

Feb 22 Danville PA

Old Forge Brewing Co.  Mill street Danville.  With Mexico Road Rockabilly Band.  Music 7pm.

May 2 Danville PA

Hess field Bike Conference music by Van 8pm.

May 17 Washingtonville PA

Montour Preserve Heron Cove Pavilion A (or in auditorium if bad weather).  MARC 20th anniversary.  Music by Van 7pm

June 19, 20, 21 Crossfork PA

Smoked Country Jam.  https://smokedcountryjam.com/

Music by Van and Matt Harrison Friday 5:45pm and Saturday 9am workshop