2022 album release by Van Wagner

  1. Man's Lust For War

  2. Living In a Tree

  3. Just Low

  4. Paper and Pen

  5. If You Go to Pennsylvania

  6. Hey You Yankee Boy

  7. Hewitt's Gap

  8. Fire Up On Pepper HIll

  9. Big Timber

  10. She's From the Mountains

  11. Shakedown with Townes

  12. Rust Never Sleeps in Steel City

  13. Johnny Cash Sounded Like a Train

  14. Sing Out

  15. Royal Blue

  16. When You Live In the Woods

  17. My Back Pages


All songs by Van Wagner

When You Live in the Woods by Van Wagner and Owen Rash

Fire Up On Pepper Hill by Van Wagner and Lewisburg High School students from last period AP Environmental Science. 

Recorded and produced by Matt Filer

Cover photo by Chris Hayton

Photo inside (skating) by Hunter Cool

Photo on disc by Brian Crane

Photo under disc by David "Otto" Kurecian

Van Wagner-guitar, 

  mouth bow and harmonica

Sara Ruch- saw and vocals

Mike Miz- guitar

Haley Berge- vocals

Andy Bloodnick-pedal steel guitar

Matt Filer- vocals, bass, drums, 

   mandolin, harmonica and slide guitar.